LIFE WATERSOURCE demonstrates the potential of a nature-based solution for drinking water production.
With the LIFE WATERSOURCE project PWN is constructing a demonstration of the climate buffer on our premises at Andijk. We want to demonstrate the effectiveness of the different aspects of the climate buffer which are: a purifying ecotope, extended residence time of the water in reservoirs, and bank filtration. With this demonstration we can monitor how nature develops in a climate buffer and what the improvement of the water quality is. We will create an area of 1 ha comprising the purifying ecotope where plants function as helophyte filters and water and fish from lake IJsselmeer can enter. Additionally, a set-up with a long residence time in a part of the PWN-reservoir followed by bank filtration is constructed. The results of the water quality monitoring and the development of flora and fauna in the area will be implemented in a digital twin where data will be stored and in a later stage used also for the climate buffer.
In the LIFE WATERSOURCE project, co-funded by the European Union, we collaborate with the drinking water company of Barcelona Aigües de Barcelona, water technology center Cetaqua and Aquatec. With our partners, we aim to replicate the climate buffer in the greater Barcelona area and abroad as a solution for droughts and polluted surface water.
The lessons learned from this demonstration project we will incorporate in the ‘large’ climate buffer. Which will show the potential to scale up. This will provide us with the design parameters to implement the larger, 250 ha climate reservoir that is planned after the LIFE WATERSOURCE project ends.
Watch the LIFE WATERSOURCE introduction video: