Presentations day 1

- Keynote - Bas Arens - Dynamic frontdune management in the Netherlands
- Keynote - Duncan Ludlow - Dune rejuvenation management in Wales
- Keynote - Gerben Ruessink - Beach-dune interaction for dynamic coastal management
- Keynote - Joost Veer - Coastal Management in the Netherlands
- Workshop - Creating blowouts - Camlie Aggenbach
- Workshop - Creating blowouts - Dick Groenendijk
- Workshop - Management in white dunes - Leon Terlouw
- Workshop - Management in white dunes - Maaike Veer
- Workshop - Management in white dunes - Gerben Ruessink & Joost Veer
- Workshop - Research and monitoring - Bas Arens
- Workshop - Research and monitoring - Hubert Kivit
Presentations Day 2
- Keynote - Annemieke Kooijman - Whant is the problem with our dune grasslands
- Keynote - Mark van Til & Dick Groenendijk - Restoration of Grey dunes a matter of scale
- Keynote - Sam Provoost - Restoration of dune grasslands in Belgium
- Workshop - Dune challenges in European context - John Houston
- Workshop - Dune challenges in European context - start
- Workshop - Dune challenges in European context (text) - John Houston
- Workshop - Dunegrasslands and fauna - Dick Groenendijk
- Workshop - Grazing the dunes - Harrie van der Hagen
- Workshop - Grazing the dunes - Hubert Kivit
- Workshop - Grazing the dunes - Statements
- Workshop - Invasive Alien Species - Ruud Luntz & Leon Terlouw & Willem Stuulen
- Workshop - Large scale vs mosaic management - Marten Annema
- Workshop - Large scale vs mosaic management - Mark van Til
- Workshop - Large scale vs mosaic management - Peter Spierenburg
- Poster - Alternative stable states of rabbit populations - Marijke Drees & Jasja Dekker
Photo impressions

- Photo impression of the arrival and day 1
- Photo impression of day 2
- Photo impression of day 3